[Travelogue] Sydney : Day 1 (2/2) - Lost in Chinatown Looking for Emperor's Cream Puff? | sillyandordinarygirl

By Lasmarya Hadi Purwanto - July 17, 2021

I spent almost the whole afternoon in the Art Gallery of New South Wales and afterwards I was heading to Chinatown to look for my cousins as they were working in a restaurant there when.. unfortunately, I got lost. 0.0 ....

Actually, in the morning, before I went to the Art Gallery, my other cousin, Finna, took me to Chinatown to show me where they worked, and she told me about this Chinese restaurant called the Emperor's Garden (the Emperor's) that's very famous for its cream puff at the front part of the Chinatown area. She said that if I saw the restaurant's sign, then it means I had reached Chinatown. 
And so, while I was on the way there, I keyed in Chinatown in my google Map apps and it showed me the right way. But I was so focused looking for the Emperor's sign, that when I had actually almost reached the area, I didn't see the sign. So I thought to myself, "maybe this is the other part of Chinatown? But if I can't get to the Emperor, I won't find my cousins who are working just several meters away from the restaurant. I need to get to  the right part!" The next thing I did was typing in "the Emperor" in my google Map, and it showed me another route, but I eventually found myself in the same place as the one before. I started to panic a little, and it got a bit worse when my phone was almost out of battery. 
Then suddenly, out of nowhere, I got a hunch that I probably should have walked a little further to see whether it was indeed the right place. I mean, what are the odds? Google Map should have better accuracy than me, right? T.T And you know what, I felt so foolish right as I saw the sign after I walked several meters in. It was like an "eureka" moment when I finally spotted the sign. I couldn't see the sign before because I was across the street and I looked at the other side. Indeed, I was supposed to walk just a little bit closer to spot the sign. SO SO SILLY!  
And here it is, the famous Emperor's Garden Restaurant, and can you see the queue? They were queueing for the custard cream puff. After that foolish incident that took me about 1 - 1.5 hours, I was famished and I realized I needed some sugar to replenish my energy and my mood, of course, so I joined the queue. :D (maybe it's just an excuse, even without the incident, I would definitely join the queue XD) 
They served us so quickly that we didn't really have to queue for long to get our hands on these yummy custard cream puff. It was a rainy day in winter and the pipping hot cream puffs were just perfect to warm the day up. I bought a dozen and I finished them all by myself. (Oh yes, I'm proud of it! XD) 
It had this gooey yellow custard inside the puff, that reminded me of Deli Manjoo that I had in South Korea. Though the Deli Manjoo version has more of corn taste, while this one is more like original custard taste. 
I sat on a bench in front of the restaurant, endulging myself with these mouth-watering puffs, while waiting for my cousins to finish their shift and we had dinner together afterwards. 
96-100 Hay St, Haymarket NSW 2000, Australia

I think that was my first time getting lost alone in a foreign city. Although I did panic a little, but I somehow knew that I would be fine and safe. I didn't know why, but Sydney with all the hustle and bustle, with all the crowd, somehow give me a sense of safety. My cousin told me that she sometimes comes home alone at one or two o'clock in the morning, and she fears nothing, because it is rather safe in the city. Hmm, that's another thing to like about the city. 
Well, I'm gonna end this post here, honestly, I didn't expect it to be this long. I only went to two places, but it seems that I had too much to talk about XD Do forgive me, OK? 

See you on the next day?


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  1. the food seems definitely worth waiting despite the struggle ����

    1. Yes definitely! Haha
      Although they are just cream puffs, they tasted so magically comforting after a silly mistake. XD
