
By Lasmarya Hadi Purwanto - March 21, 2015

Hi, there! :)
This week I got a bad news from my Chihuahua, Bonnie.
Apparently, she is pregnant :(
The reason why I put a sad emoticon is because the father of the puppies in her belly is our Maltese dog, Max which is twice bigger than her. So, we're currently very worried about her whether she can deliver the babies safely or not, you know, with that kind of petite body. *huft

At first, we thought that she's just getting fatter, because she never allows the other dogs to eat together with her or eat before her. She will only allow them to eat once she's full. So, we had no suspicion. We found out last weekend, when her belly started to stick out, and we suspected that it was a pregnancy, and not belly fat. Seeing her belly swelled up, I was so freaked out. >,<

I took her to the vet yesterday, and the vet was shocked when we told her that the daddy is a Maltese. She simply said,"Poor her. It will be hard for her to deliver the babies safely. The risk is too high. We will need a caesar (operation) for the delivery. And it might be due in 3 weeks." She also added that once Bonnie shows any signs of delivery, then we have to rush her to the nearest vet. She's the nearest vet but she's working for the government in the day which means she can't do it during the daylight, and in the evening she can only do the surgery once she has finished with all the patients, which means we have to wait for her and it's literally impossible to let Bonnie wait for her turn. So, the vet gave us the phone number of another recommended vet. The good news is, the recommended vet can do the surgery in the day, but the bad news is, he can't come to our home to help the delivery, we need to bring our pet to his clinic which is faaaaaaar away from our home. And, the case is like human's pregnancy, where you can't predict which day the delivery will be, so you can't just schedule any date with the vet. There's also no animal hospital where the pets can stay overnight just in case. Furthermore, the surgery costs a lot and it is highly risky. :( I don't even dare to imagine the worst case >.<

See how swell up her belly is? It kinda freaks me out >o<

The closer look

(Our Maltese, Max, the father of the puppies, and see how different their body sizes is??
 He's twice bigger than her!!)

I really wish that the babies could be delivered smoothly and safely, with the mom and the babies all safe and sound. Seeing her struggling so hard, I promise myself, I won't let this happen again. I need each one of you to help me pray for her and the babies. I believe that the more people pray for the same thing, the higher the possibility for it to work. So, Thank you so much. :)

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