Hi, hi!
Finally I'm back!
The internet connection in my house broke down again for the "I-don't-know-how-many-times-already-in-a-year" and it has been off for the entire three weeks that I had to pass Christmas and New Year, at home, PRIMITIVELY. Yes, you hear me right. Primitively. T.T
And I had to bear with all these "no network connection" days, living through my holidays watching the local TV which has nothing much to watch, and I'm pretty sure I had even memorized the schedule of the TV programme. So well yeah, my holiday was pretty much "...".
What? You wanna say. "That's really not much, you can just do fine without the internet."? Well, let me tell you, what about you try to live without it for a month, and let's see whether you can still say the same thing.
Anyway, Happy New Year guysssss!
Well, due to my very lame internet at home (yeah, yeah, I'll stop complaining about it, haha), I know it's too late to wish you a happy new year, but I'll just do it anyway. XD
I'm really THANKFUL to you, yes, you, the one who's reading, it's still you, for reading my blog and all my posts, my silly writings, my honest yet humble (not really sure whether it's humble or not) reviews, my travel diaries, my ordinary daily lives and weekends, my still-on-progress-but-hopefully-it's-improving photographs, and everything else that I get to share to you through this blog.
THANK YOU from the bottom of my heart, yes, I'm still referring to you, haha, for sparing a tiny miny time of your life to walk through 2016 with me. Lots of things happened, lots of firsts, lots of hellos also goodbyes. It has been a exhilarating and thrilling journey, definitely a milestone in my life. And through all of these times, again and again, THANK YOU, whoever you are, for being a reader, a listener, a friend, to whom I can share my random thoughts, and tell my stories.
If there's a word other than THANK YOU, I would have said it, but it seems that the best word to show my gratitude is still THANK YOU. so here's another THANK YOU. XD
I don't have any big resolution for 2017, neither do I have any "new year, new me" kinda slogan, but I promise I'll work harder, also play harder, haha, to create more interesting and various contents, so that you won't easily get bored of me, muahaha, so please don't be bored, keep visiting my blog, and you can comment and give me ideas, we can know each other, and let's be good friends. :)
My sincerest wish to YOU, is a happy new year, a happy you, and don't forget to spread more love and kindness to others. :)
"Twenty sixteen has been one hell-of-a-ride. Twelve roller-coaster-like months, full of ups and downs. Three hundred sixty six days coloured by love, surprises, joy, sorrow, craziness, and bits of everything else. "