Hey, everyone!
Thru this blog post, I would like to ask any of you to stay safe anywhere you are, especially for those living in Indonesia, or more specifically Medan.
This past week, I've heard lots of news about the crimes that have been happening a lot around us. Days ago, my brother happened to see a crime committed right in front of him while he's on the way back home at night on a not so crowded street. He said some bikers stopped a motorbike in the middle of the street, trapped the rider and the bike in between them, and slashed him on the back with a big knife. It's something we called as "begal" here in Indonesia. Their purpose is to take away the motorbike by hurting the rider in a very violent way.
And two to three days after that, my brother's car got broken into while it's parked on the side of street and the thief took away his bag at the back seat. The thief broke the window of the second row seat and here's what left of the glass. As seen, I guessed it was smashed pretty hard.
Thru this blog post, I would like to ask any of you to stay safe anywhere you are, especially for those living in Indonesia, or more specifically Medan.
This past week, I've heard lots of news about the crimes that have been happening a lot around us. Days ago, my brother happened to see a crime committed right in front of him while he's on the way back home at night on a not so crowded street. He said some bikers stopped a motorbike in the middle of the street, trapped the rider and the bike in between them, and slashed him on the back with a big knife. It's something we called as "begal" here in Indonesia. Their purpose is to take away the motorbike by hurting the rider in a very violent way.
And two to three days after that, my brother's car got broken into while it's parked on the side of street and the thief took away his bag at the back seat. The thief broke the window of the second row seat and here's what left of the glass. As seen, I guessed it was smashed pretty hard.
Not much was lost, according to my brother, his bag only contained some brochure and nothing else. So, it can be said that he's quite lucky.
But, again, guys, it's time to be more aware and be more careful when we're going out, either we ride a pedicab, a public bus, a motorbike, or even a car. Danger is everywhere! I never meant to scare any of you but it won't cost anything just to be more careful. I've heard some of the same kind of news from friends of mine too. It's getting more and more dangerous out there, so if it's possible don't stay out too late, finish what you need to do and get home early.
So, really, stay safe, guys!